Green Legionnaires & Phils Fever,

Just so you know we have some PHILLIES stuff to talk about this email as we are officially releasing our Spring Training St. Patty's Day weekend in Clearwater Beach today!

Well, it's finally here!  I think we are about 4 games away from the end of an era especially after Thursday night's awesome game plan in which I saw a defense stop Seattle on 3rd down with .56 left in the 2nd quarter.  Believe it or not, dumbd1ck only called one stupid timeout during the 1st quarter (I think that was when he took it).  What I DON'T understand is how with two timeouts and .56 seconds left why you don't call a timeout there and try to put some points on the board before the half??  Perhaps it was because he didn't know what to do with timeouts left as he let the clock wind down to .21 seconds and I think Seattle to a timeout there because they didn't understand why the Eagles didn't... A blatant disregard for fundamental football that simply can no longer be tolerated.

Outside of that, we had a good time in Seattle until our guy Colt went down with a season-ending injury.  That was a little rough watching his entire family see that.  A bit of a downer on the whole day but sure he will be back in full force next season and The Legion would like to send wishes for a speedy recovery.  I don't know if everyone had a chance to see the story that ran on Comcast Sportsnet but if not, here you go.  It's a real feel-good story when there hasn't been a lot around this team so far this year.  I had a chance to meet this young man and it really puts some things into perspective as life has a habit of doing this a lot lately.  Please take a moment to watch this:


In this Issue:


We still have about a dozen tickets left for the game Sunday and unlimited tailgate spots!  We just eclipsed the 1,700 person mark for this program which means a GOOD F'ING TIME!!  If you would like to sign up for any of these options, you can do so by CLICKING HERE!!  THERE ARE NO MORE ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGES AND THERE WILL BE NONE AVAILABLE OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS.  We are done with that program and we do not have the space to handle anything else.


What else really needs to be said here?!  The fact is a trip to Clearwater Beach with Phils Fever is one of the best times you will have all year!  Couple that with a home pre-season game and one of the coolest venues for the Grapefruit League ON St. Patty's Day, and it just doesn't get any better than this!  As part of The Green Legion family, Phils Fever has been running trips to Clearwater Beach since 2006, and we know what we're doing!  We work with the best bars owned by Philly people, and have the best tailgate at Bright House Field where EVERYTHING is included and you don't even have to break out your wallet to pay for beer!  With Frenchy's Tiki Bar in left field and the most intimate professional baseball setting you have ever seen, this is just a great warm-weather party that if you haven't been on before, you HAVE to try!  If you have, then you already know!

We have two hotels to choose from...  CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS!!


Homicide by Vehicle while DUI

Getting a DUI charge and conviction may change your life in many ways.  Yet, if someone was killed when a DUI was committed, then the penalties are absolutely life altering.  Thinking twice before getting behind the wheel after drinking is the easiest way to avoid such consequences.

Homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence is considered a felony of the second degree in Pennsylvania.  This means that a conviction could result in a maximum of 10 years in prison, a $25,000 fine and a loss of license for three years following release from prison.  Additionally, there is a minimum of three years of incarceration that has to be served for each person killed (e.g. if two people died, then a six-year minimum sentence is imposed).  Because the minimum sentence is for three years, the time of incarceration cannot be served in a county jail.  It must be served in a state prison with inmates convicted for committing other serious crimes.

[Click Here to Read More...]

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!  You can contact Kevin Leckerman with any questions you have at 800-378-2110 or email him at  Tell him you heard of him through The Green Legion.

Leckerman Law -


This is one of the cool things about working with McFadden's and how comfortable they are in their manhood!  We are actually having the Jets tailgate on the 18th catered by GiGi Lounge in Olde City!  It's a way for some of our new sponsors to get the word (and taste) out!  This is a 4 PM tailgate with a major menu and 4 hours of food and beer and our guest fee for this week will be $30.  If you would like to sign up for this tailgate, you can do so by CLICKING HERE!!


Haha!!  Well, the project that started back in August is less than a month away from a finished product and I have to tell you, this one is HOT!!  Nothing to take away from our calendars of past years, we just finally figured out the formula.  And with the girls getting an all-expense paid long weekend in South Beach with a '65 foot yacht for a day, VIP bottle service, and just overall a good f'ing time, this thing is only going to get better.  Right now though (and again, no offense to our past Green Legion Girls), the overall compilation of talent in this upcoming year's calendar is PHENOMENAL!!  So, it's time to give away 5,000 copies... FOR FREE!!  Yeah, I'm not sure if you guys all understand that when we say it each year, but they are FREE!  This year, we start the signing party with ALL TWELVE MODELS PRESENT at McFadden's Ballpark so if you are tailgating in the lot before the game, stop over at 1 PM and get your FREE, SIGNED COPY!  From there, this is where we are going!:

1:00 – 2:00 PM at McFadden's
2:15 – 3:00 PM at GiGi Lounge
3:15 – 4:00 PM at King's Oak
4:15 – 5:00 PM at Cav's Rittenhouse
5:15 – 6:00 PM at Franklin's
6:15 – 7:00 PM at Bourbon Blue
7:00 – 7:45 PM at The Bayou

EVERY SPONSOR BAR WE VISIT WILL HAVE PLENTY OF FREE CALENDARS and you can get them signed right then and there!!  For more information about this, hit up Alex at  The day is sponsored by our good friends at Miller LITE and there will be a special for you to enjoy while you are there!


Don't forget it's on deck!  This will be the 6th Annual Green Legion and "UN"Official Websites Christmas Appreciation Party on Christmas night!  Yep, I still call it a Christmas Party!  You know why?!  Because it's on CHRISTMAS NIGHT!!  Anyone that bitches about it not being called a "holiday party" will be publicly embarrassed all over our website for being that sensitive.  Don't worry, I can't WAIT to see all my Jewish friends there!  They are going to be bored anyway because Chanukah is over long before then!!

This party is ALWAYS held at our friends at Bourbon Blue in Manayunk and your first drink is always free!  More details to come and look forward to seeing you there.  I'm sure I'll be guest bartending so if you want to see how pathetic that is, by all means you will!



The Green Legion... The ongoing mission to turn every Eagles' road game into a home game!!

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