Green Legionnaires & Phils Fever,

Make sure everyone keeps an eye open for the Zach Bunney story that will be airing on Comcast Sportsnet on Thursday between 7 and 8 PM during the pre-game show!  If you recall, we sent out an email about Zach, his affiliation with Colt Anderson, and his battle against cancer, back in August.  We are thankful to have Zach coming to Seattle with us along with ONE-HUNDRED, EIGHTY unlikely Eagles fans from Butte, Montana!!  It will certainly be an eye-opener for ya!

So, I actually thought the Eagles were going to win against the Pats, win in Seattle, and then lose miserably in Miami while we have almost 1,700 people down there.  Well, other than the Redskins' game at the end of the year, you may see this team go 5 and 11 on the season.

There is really no need to point out all the flaws.  You have seen them all.  I know my theories and conjectures are inaccurate at times, but isn't the whole trick of making a play on offense work (besides being stronger and better (heart) than your opponent) is to call a run play when the defense thinks you're going to throw the ball and vice-versa?!  We threw the ball 64.8% against the Pats and I know Reid is going to say that we were behind in the second half, but that doesn't explain Shady getting the ball a total of SIX times in the first half!

I was listening to Angelo again the following morning as I passed out early the night before (I know, amateur), but remembered the 4th & 1 play down by the goal line (which was really only about a foot for a first down and four more plays).  The Pats defense didn't even play for a run.  Their linebackers were on the other side of the Walt Whitman bridge for God sake waiting for another stupid pass play!  This is WHY you don't win playoff games and get knocked out in the first round the last couple times you've been there.  Good teams have good coaches and your a$$ is predictable and have completely lost your grip.  LOL, how EMBARRASSING that must have been for you to finally have someone on the defensive side of the ball call out your bitch for killin' this defense!  There's another reason why you balance the offense you stupid f@#k!  Been saying it for YEARS!!

STOP HOLDING THIS TEAM HOSTAGE!!  Do us all a favor and walk away!  It's not like you won't have a job!  Hell, you would make more money I'm sure!  No one here likes you anymore (and I haven't since February of 2005).  The positive note here is there is no more revenue that can be generated by you being on the sidelines.  Matter of fact, I hope Lurie and Banner were embarrassed after everyone picked up and left.  That's what you get for putting ONE PERSON OVER AND ABOVE THIS TEAM!  I mean hell, the heart and soul and the person you should have been loyal to was shipped to Denver after you dismissed his achievements as a player.  The only shot Reid has of gaining an audience and additional revenue for this team is if you Pay-Per-View the press conference where he walks away or you fire him.  I'LL PAY FOR THAT!!  I'LL PAY FOR THAT, COOK HIM HIS LAST MEAL, DRIVE HIM TO THE AIRPORT, AND PAY FOR TWO TICKETS IN FIRST CLASS ANYWHERE HE WANTS TO GO PROVIDED THE ONLY TIME HE RETURNS IS WHEN WE PLAY AGAINST WHATEVER TEAM HE IS DESTROYING AT THE TIME!

That whole package has to be less expensive than what myself and the rest of The Legion is prepared to pay when we run a bunch of plane banners at the home game on the 18th!  Anyone interested in that??  Email me at!

Regardless, I'm still looking forward to three trips next year – Tampa, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans!  Two for obvious reasons, and Pittsburgh just because I can't stand the successes our neighbor to the west has had over the years (primarily from having beasts on defense and oh, RUNNING THE F'ING BALL)!!

As far as DeSean goes, all I can hear in my head is "For WHO... For WHAT?!"  My thoughts are that the kid just has no control over his juvenile attitude on the field and it probably has a lot to do from a Napolean Complex, but this is another COACHING mistake made by Reid from Jump Street.  Reid should have put him in his place a long time ago.  Why does Jackson need to make a statement in some capacity after every play?  If you would have just shut the hell up, my guess is you would have been paid by now.  But why do that when your coach can completely run one of the only two excellent receivers you have had on this team in thirteen years, out of town... AGAIN?!  Really, does that make sense??  You want to pass the ball 65% of the time, but you have no f'ing clue how to handle a premier wide-out.

Your guess is as good as mine people, but hey, the sun will rise and one thing that I have noticed about our trips since about 2008 in Chicago was the amount of groups growing in size as you have met along the way.  You may think it sounds a bit corny and me marketing our product, but I believe it has evolved into a family and I couldn't be happier about it.  I am going to have mojitos in just over a week with 1,700 family members in South Beach before we watch a football game together.  There is something completely fulfilling and humbling about that and we here at The Legion couldn’t be happier to have so many of you as friends.  We'll continue to outdo ourselves every time!

Do yourselves a favor whenever you come to our events... meet people!  I can't tell you how many I am thankful for meeting and welcome back Piggy after a 6-week recovery period from stomach surgery!!  Good having ya' back brother!!


In this Issue:


This is also our meet and greet party before everyone heads down to Miami!  From 6:30-8:00 PM this Thursday before the Seahawks game at McFadden's Ballpark, The Green Legion is happy to serve you FREE MILLER LITE!!  From 8PM through the rest of the night enjoy $2 Miller LITES while you watch the game!  Come by after work and stay awhile!  It's on us!  And there should be TONS of people!  This is the party where we recommend you come by and pick up all of your peripherals for the upcoming Miami trip.  Considering we are just under 1,700 right now, you can imagine how much fun this could be.  I know they might be a bit pitiful to watch, but hey, I'm still an Eagles fan!  I'm just not a fan of the coach!  I do want to see how he can screw Seattle up and I'm looking forward to watching that aspect from the stands!!  For more information, please go to our website at http://www.GreenLegion.comEVERYONE IS INVITED TO THIS!!  It's not just for Miami folk, people who have traveled with us before, or VIP Cardholders.  This is one of those events where we would LOVE to introduce new people to what we do and let them meet the individuals who have grown this for us.  Please feel free to invite ANYONE!

And I'm not going to discuss how many women are on our Miami trip!  Ok, maybe... the highest percentage we have ever had on a trip at 42%!!  That should mean pretty good numbers at this party as well!


Not much detail wise to give you here... I think we have about 20 left.  Haven't really sold much the last week but these will go.  If you want to sign up for this package, you can do so by CLICKING HERE!

THERE IS ALSO AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF TAILGATE SPOTS AVAILABLE!  This is one you don't want to miss!  The tailgate is on the 400 level North Patio inside Sun Life Stadium!  It's catered by our friends at Randy's Ribs and if you have ever had that pleasure, you know!  There is even a cash bar if you want to have some breakfast drinks!  You can't go wrong here.  Sign up for this by CLICKING HERE!!


Sorry for that clause, but only those who go and go with us can get their hands on this one.  Once purchased, we will check against our list of people to assure accuracy and then you will pick up your t-shirt when you arrive.  We have all sizes including youth large!  CLICK HERE to purchase!  How cool are THESE?!

FRONT (Small on Chest):



Haha!!  Well, the project that started back in August is less than a month away from a finished product and I have to tell you, this one is HOT!!  Nothing to take away from our calendars of past years, we just finally figured out the formula.  And with the girls getting an all-expense paid long weekend in South Beach with a '65 foot yacht for a day, VIP bottle service, and just overall a good f'ing time, this thing is only going to get better.  Right now though (and again, no offense to our past Green Legion Girls), the overall compilation of talent in this upcoming year's calendar is PHENOMENAL!!  So, it's time to give away 5,000 copies... FOR FREE!!  Yeah, I'm not sure if you guys all understand that when we say it each year, but they are FREE!  This year, we start the signing party with ALL TWELVE MODELS PRESENT at McFadden's Ballpark so if you are tailgating in the lot before the game, stop over at 1 PM and get your FREE, SIGNED COPY!  From there, this is where we are going!:

GiGi Lounge
King's Oak
Cav's Rittenhouse
Franklin's (East Falls)
Bourbon Blue
The Bayou

I will have times for you as we get closer, but we will be at each establishment for at least 45 minutes!  EVERY SPONSOR BAR WE VISIT WILL HAVE PLENTY OF FREE CALENDARS and you can get them signed right then and there!!  For more information about this, hit up Alex at  The day is sponsored by our good friends at Miller LITE and there will be a special for you to enjoy while you are there!


Don't forget it's on deck!  This will be the 6th Annual Green Legion and "UN"Official Websites Christmas Appreciation Party on Christmas night!  Yep, I still call it a Christmas Party!  You know why?!  Because it's on CHRISTMAS NIGHT!!  Anyone that bitches about it not being called a "holiday party" will be publicly embarrassed all over our website for being that sensitive.  Don't worry, I can't WAIT to see all my Jewish friends there!  They are going to be bored anyway because Chanukah is over long before then!!

This party is ALWAYS held at our friends at Bourbon Blue in Manayunk and your first drink is always free!  More details to come and look forward to seeing you there.  I'm sure I'll be guest bartending so if you want to see how pathetic that is, by all means you will!



The Green Legion... The ongoing mission to turn every Eagles' road game into a home game!!

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